the other night one of my closest friends and i got a much needed chance to just be together. in the craziness of the christmas season it is a moment i crave. to just be. to be with those that make me laugh. make me more of who i am. and call me out to be even more. she looked me in the eyes and asked how homeschooling was. she said “well you are four months in…how is it…really?” see she is a friend who calls my bluff. she is a friend who pulls the true nature of who i am out. she knew me before Christ and brought me to Him. so needless to say i can’t not tell her the truth. and the truth….
unbelievable. i told her i think homeschooling has been the best gift for me. i told her i can’t believe how much they love each other. they teach each other. they read to each other. they care about each other. they take care of each other. they listen to each other. they bring out more of who they are supposed to be around each other.
now don’t get me wrong. not everyday is sunshine and unicorns…believe me. their are days when we all are in tears by 10am. those are the days we call “oh wow do we need a Savior days” . we have days when the teacher walks through the door and i am putting on my shoes to go anywhere but there. their are days that i question if i am good enough. if they are learning enough.their are days i am not sure they learned anything but how to do their chores the first time i ask.
yet we also get to go and do amazing things. we have gone to many museums. we have been to the apple orchard. we have been to music concerts. we have fed the hungry. we have helped out sick friends. we have taken awesome art classes and made great friends.we have taken swimming lessons. i have seen the faith of my blessings grow. i have been there to see their hearts change. i have seen their eyes light up when they learn to memorize scripture. i have seen them accomplish a new piece on the piano.
this christmas. i am grateful. i am grateful that i know my blessings more. i love them more. i have time with them. we have created moments. we have created memories. we have watched each other grow. learn. and love. so yes. yes we are four months in…and we are doing well…only because of grace we are doing well.
thanks, Sheli. I need to read this. I feel anxious about taking the plunge but know it's the right thing for my son - and us. you just confirmed it.
Love it. It's an inspiration to read how positive the experience has been for you and your kids! Thank you for posting and sharing!
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