Thursday, August 30, 2012

$6.70+ a Panera card


It’s been what seems like forever since we stared the process of adoption. First God had to break my heart and turn my world upside down and then he smacked Tim in the face with the reality of the father less child. It took a while. But God is faithful.

And as we head out in a few days to travel thousands of miles away from our children that is what will remain in my heart and on my lips. God alone is faithful.

His faithfulness is so evident.

A few weeks ago a family friend came over for lunch with her kids. Her eight year old daughter announced when she came in the door that she had something for me. She then promptly emptied her pockets in front of me. There on the table was all she had. $6.70 and a Panera rewards card. As I sat there with tears streaming down my face her mom told me that all she wanted was to help bring our little one home. So she gave. She gave all she had. As I hugged her so close and cried overwhelming gratitude. I told her that her gift means the most. She gave out of a pure and innocent heart. She gave with joy. She gave with no guilt or regret. And she gave all she had.

She humbled me that day. She continues to humble me. How many times do I give with a pure and innocent heart? With joy? With no guilt or regret? How many times do I give all I have? And hold onto the promise that God alone is faithful.

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