Saturday, June 27, 2009


i stood in target this week. in awe. awe of the amount of things we have. awe of the amount of things we think we need. i stood in target listening to a ten year old boy complain because he "needed" a new video game. i stood in awe. i stood in awe at the children running around whining that they want, want, want. i stood on awe at the amount of money that we pay for things we don't need. i stood in awe ashamed. ashamed at what we are teaching our children. what we have taught ourselves. that we need things. that they need the latest gadgets and clothes to fit in. that they need to go out to eat. i stood ashamed.

last week i stood in foya. africa. last week i stood in awe. awe of hungry bellies. awe of children crying because the hunger was too much. awe of children laughing and playing. awe of children loving each other. awe of children always showing respect to elders. awe of children never asking for anything. anything. i stood in awe of realizing what people really need. food. clean water. and someone to love them. that's it. no electricity. no video games. no cell phones. no new clothes. no target.

stand in awe.


Anonymous said...

Keep writing...

ESolgos said...


Thacker Clan said...

That's some good tear jerking writing there! I think it was my son in Target that you were referring to! How embarrassing!

Darin said...

Sheli, your writing tugs at my heart and made me stop and reflect upon the way I live my life and are establishing a way for my children to live their life...thanks for sharing your thoughts.